Preparing For Cord Blood Banking: Tips For New Parents

Cord Blood Banking


You’ve prepped the hospital bag, picked baby names, and styled the nursery. But have you thought about securing your baby’s future health with cord blood banking?

We get it—Between planning for the big day and ticking off your to-do list, it’s easy to miss this essential step. However enrolling for Cord blood banking  before birth safeguards your baby’s and entire family’s future health. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because these valuable stem cells can only be collected at the time of delivery. These stem cells can potentially treat 80+ serious conditions, including cancers and immune disorders.

Don’t let this moment slip by. So relax and find this quick guide to help you plan easily for banking your baby’s cord blood at the time of birth:

1. Research & Plan Early

Talk it over with your partner and decide if cord blood banking is right for you. Plan this during your second trimester so that you get enough time to research different cord blood banks. This must also include their processes, storage fees, any hidden charges and logistic details.

Decide between private, public and community banking. Private banking reserves the sample exclusively for your family, whereas public banking allows your donated sample to benefit others in need but at the cost of you giving up the right to use it. Community banking blends the benefits of both while also providing you access to a larger pool of stem cells for more potential matches. Most importantly, remember to discuss both the benefits and risks with your gynaecologist to make an informed decision. 1

2.  Choose A Reliable Cord Blood Bank

The next important step is to ensure that the cord blood bank you select is reputable. The best way to do this is to check their accreditations. Just like any medical service provider, a cord blood bank must have the proper licenses and certifications to operate. This ensures that the bank meets safety and ethical standards.

LifeCell, India’s largest stem cell bank, holds numerous national and international accreditations for cord blood banking, tissue processing technology, and state-of-the-art laboratories. Their certifications include AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), AATB (American Association of Tissue Banks), WHO, FDA, NABL, CAP and more!

Enrolling with LifeCell provides:

  1. Access to 75k+ cord blood units
  2. Protection for baby, siblings, parents, & grandparents
  3. >97% chance of finding a match.

To learn more about LifeCell Stem Cell Banking services, visit

3. Check Insurance Coverage

Before finalising anything, check whether your insurance plan covers or offers benefits for cord blood banking services. Most insurance policies do not directly pay for the costs; however, some may offer partial reimbursement or discounts. So it is best to review your policy or talk with the insurance provider to understand the cost covered.

4. Understand The Procedure

It would be best if you learn about the procedure involved in cord blood collection. Do your homework, ask questions, and get all the details! The process is, however, entirely safe and painless and will not affect your delivery. So, make sure to inform your gynaecologist about the decision and confirm so that everyone involved is prepared in advance.

5. Complete All The Necessary Paperwork

Once you choose to bank your baby’s cord blood at birth, the next step is to complete all the paperwork. This includes consent papers and a medical history questionnaire. Filling it out beforehand will save you from the last-minute hassle.

6. Create A Birthing Plan

While preparing your birth plan checklist, remember to include your desire to bank your baby’s cord blood. Also, make sure to have a conversation with your doctor about it beforehand.


Deciding to bank your baby’s cord blood is a significant step towards safeguarding their future health. And you’ve confidently completed the preparatory procedure—from choosing reputable banks to sharing your choice with healthcare professionals and family.

Now is the moment to take action! Finalise your choice and secure this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to safeguard your child’s future health.

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